Post vids/pics of full dressers doing wheelies here:



i put that in my first post!


aw shit i missed it the first time around :ham:



i put that in my first post!


ahem, i believe i too participated in the discovery of that gem…

only pussies ride full dressed wheelies with helmets/leathers on.




^^ yea def. full dressers are like the cross-dressers of motorcycles. 10 million pounds and blatantly:gay: obvious

edit*two duders on that-un


fucking lol. at the crash… them twist grips can be tricky.

I say vids or pics of pocket bike wheelies too without feet on the ground.



you missed it newman…about 2 weeks back…

fully dressed maroon harley, big plastic front, saddle and top bag, etc…radio blasting…

rolls through mighty, loops around in front of mighty right by the door, does a u turn, so now he’s coming from the yings, toward the blvd. direction…clutch in, rev, pop…wheel up… :jawdrop:

he then proceeded to leave through the back way behind mighty, and onto the blvd…

one of the greatest moments in mighty history… @ 1:57 ish…

west coast connection guys are soo Bad ass… no cruisers in this one but still sick vid oh yea mini wheelie… wear a helmet retard this isnt a wheelie video… but these guys are on goldwings and RIPPING through deals gap… the scraping noise you hear is their exhausts… I’d be willing to bet there is only one person on this board that could keep up with these bikes on these roads, even if you gave them ANY BIKE in the world :clap:

same guy chasing down a ducati 999s

in #33 it would’ve been sweet if the cop did a proper wheelie to show 'em how it’s done :tup: