posted from whiteys booth

what up yall the booth kicks ass


where is the both at???

at the car show :doh:

:bowrofl: :rofl:

NO SHIT!!! i didnt know that :dunno:

what floor are you on whitey??



Post some pic’s of the booth !!!

Whitey’s booth owns. I expected a bigger pittspeed turn out though :frowning: MAybe tomorrow.

I’ll be there early Saturday…11am…Anyone else headed out early?

Gotta work tomorrow,i might come to the after party though n bless everybody with my presence… :burnout:

there was a ton of Pittspeeders there. saw a lot of people with Pittspeed shirts I’ve never met before

the booth looked good…i was there tonight.

be there tomorrow nite!!!

I’ll be there tommorow between 1-3

i’ll be there hopefully i just need to find tickets for my poor ass

yeah whiteys booth was pretty sweet.

Whitey’s booth > *

Ill be there tomorrow from 5-? then the club i guess

Coming down around 6.