Pre-Bench race 2010

look at it anyway you want, if you were driving your car in the wrong gear/ wrong mph thats your problem, not Joey’s! There were quite afew spectators who can jump in here. He beat you fare and square w/ a passenger, remember, i was on both of your asses just so i could see the out come. Also Joey is not 110% experienced in his car yet, he ownded it for what 2-3 weeks at the time of the race. The first race you had w/ him was the day after he picked it up. See yah in spring!!! He will be stacked up pretty well by then too! later[/QUOTE]

and I saw you race a cobra and only pull a car on it? whats your point?

its funny how I cant get any respect from you when I DID beat joeys car (which you were in the passenger seat) whether it was new or not…your called me and left me a voice mail that you guys wanted to race me…why? because you figured he was going to beat me whether he knew how to drive it or not…because its a god almighty Vette.

and then joey beats me and I get shit canned for it.