if you watch, it took till the end of the 2nd shoe being thrown till the secret service came rushing out of the back room. what if it was a bomb, or some other harmful thing being thrown. too bad he missed, i hate bush.
would have been so much better if it hit him dead square in his big fucking dumb face!
And why so late? probably would have been doing us a favor if this shit would have happened years ago! wwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyy!!! still great though
why do you think he threw his shoes? big austin powers fan?
no way, he got searched before he got in there and that was all he had.
he could have thrown his camera. idk. how did that one guy threw a live grenade at bush and it didnt go off. he wasnt searched.
Wrong, you are an uncultured imbecile.
In that culture, throwing your shoes at someone is one of the biggest forms of disrespect. Additionally, even showing someone the sole of your shoe is disrespectful.
lol. randomtask
While i am not a bush supporter in the least bit he is leader of the free world. A little restraint and class should be shown to the guy. It just goes to show you how shitty people are in that part of the world. If the shoe was on the other foot (har har) and this happend in the US to an iraqi official there would be a shit storm of negative press about the country as a whole.
I do not agree with you on many accounts. :meh:
Was anyone else troubled that the guy was able to throw a SECOND shoe?
Secret Service is slacking
But we disagree often thats fine, its just my opinion that the president, dictator, ruler or wherver of a country should be treated with a little respect. Kim jong il is a scumbag but if he were in the US i would think that he would be peacefully protested and not attacked with a shoe, or any other object.
Yeah, they better get on the ball for when Obama has to make appearances in the Deep South.
lol are some of you guys really sticking up for this jackass of a president? he didnt even move out of the way when the guy was throwing them at him, the other guy did more to block them than he did!
You know how when your supervisor is on his way out you become much more relaxed because you stop caring what he thinks of you…
You don’t think anyone would show him their middle finger?
He definitely moved out of the way of the first one.
theyre pissed off, everyone in tht country probably wants to throw something at him
middle finger is a peacful protest dude, hurling an object is not.
They sort of seem like cultural equivalents. :shrug:
If the North Korea nutjob ever comes here I’m going to throw my shoes at him just to prove you wrong. Then I’m going to ask for them back because I like my shoes.
This is why you wear shoes that are worth throwing. It’s like you know nothing about protesting!