Private Message Spam

I don’t know if it was automated or not, but having doucheball spamming my PM account is not appreciated. I don’t think you should be having anyone, sponsors or not spamming PM’s out. If there is a topic someone WANTS to read, they will, otherwise leave the member base alone.

sorry mike, i just wanted to fill your “in box” :slight_smile:

lol that modball guy is so sketchy

considering the GREAT start you two got off to… it shouldn’t be a surprise.

spam sushi!

It is certainly a surprise to me that he would solicate me considering my previous posts on the topic.

Fry haha :wink:

That’s not sushi, it’s Musubi. Sooooooo good. :slight_smile:

I was just about to make this thread…

Can we do something to block unsolicited ad/spam PMs?

especially when it is the same stupid PM that I care nothing about.

Yep, Modball mass PM’ing people again.

Just ban these fucks.


Got it too.


Nothing legit is promoted via spam.


He just PMed me the same thing twice. I put him on my ignore list. I don’t know if it works for PMs though.

GUYS!!! There are only like 27 spots available, and you have to have 2 mods to your car… and both of them can be triple blade wipers!!!

I just put $10,000 in their Nigerian Bank account. :gotme:

ya, that is pretty gay. what i want to know is how they decided to pm people. my message says

Recipient Users:

  1. Geoff
  2. Jam
  3. JCuz
  5. Paul B


gotdubd Gyless HouseS2K Matt Danger Static

I thought the modball was legit? I met some kid at H2O who went.

guys, its a legit event. the PMs are a bit annoying, yes, but it appears it was due to the same type of error that makes the database show double and triple posts. we’ve spoken to him, and it appears to be an honest mistake.

we’ll deal with it…

however, anyone who goes through the trouble to mass pm small groups of people at a time for 13,500+ members should get credit for effort.