Pro Chargers

No kenne bell for a b head car.

I’m jk about wanting to do it, but if u wanna help you’re more than welcome to. Gotta do fuels system too, E85 buddies!!

I looked at the install on my car theres somethign that has to be done with the crank shaft or something from under the car, a pin or clamp or something I dont remember lol. Does this has to be done with most cars?

ya have to pin the crank seein as your car is a press fit crank hub and ya pin it so that the hub cant turn and destroy the crank under the added loads of a blower

oh ok gotcha… Is that a pain in the ass or relatively easy?

Not horrible but not easy

Im just not a fan of where the air intake is on the procharger it’s like directly above the headers lol

Don’t with about it, it works lol

whats the difference between a D-1sc or P-1sc? and whats the pro and cons of the roots supercharger opposed to the centrifugal(spelling?)?

Google man lol. D1 is a bigger blower, capable of more boost etc.

you guys are my google…