pro street romania

ahhahahaha soooo funny!

p.s i know u guys would like to see more of this:

the girls are awesome!!!

the guy in the lada looks like my friend astrit…he’s from kosovo…

“She has much power now. Making special vodka mix with petroleum makes her go like beast. I fit also Turbo charge, it lags a little at 4000RPM but its ok. I make spoyler more heavy for downforce and grip.”

lmao…this website is hilarious, like a Borat spoof… :smiley:

haha good shite the best part is its more real than u think and i had a Lada back home that thing was beast cant beat the russian simple engineering

lol this clip is hilarious and the Romanian girls are HOT!!!

Dammm, these girls are so hot, Romania, i herd about it, but damm !!!

shotty on the red dress.

^^ She is by far the cutest!

^^The one in the grey with blonde hair is cute, the one in the red is KINKY look at their expressions you freaks!!!.lol

of course they are hot its europe fat and ugly people get locked up in their parents basements thats why i came to canada haha

yea lada … i remember when my grandpa had one back home … how about moskvich i’ve seen some guy take that thing to 150km/h :smiley:

moskvich yeah we had those to but that was luxury compared to lada lol and yeah if the engine was in decent shape it was possible to take those cars t0 150 kmh or more and still get good gas mileage

were are you from … im from Russia :smiley:

Balkans born in croatia lived in serbia and moved a lot but back on topic any more videos of these dudes or are they all on their site

man i’d give up the nice cars we have here and move there with all those hot chicks

Ive got a niiiiice Slavik background too :slight_smile:

romania reprezent!

Lada was sold in North America until recently.
Last time I checked in 2005, the Lada Canada HO was still standing in TO.
I believe I have some pics of different Lada cars at the Auto Show.

haha yeah. They are Russian vehicles.
Russia = Snow : : N.Ontario = Snow.
Way to stereotype Popcorn

yeah ladas are decent cars at least back there but ur choice was a yugo, lada or some french crap of course in bosnia the only choice is vw golf usually
like pyro says how baller is a spare tire under the hood on some 13 inch rims to now thats east european tyte
osad how are u slavic i guess hitler killed out ancestors in the same camps so its all good