probably the craziest video i have seen

these guys are asking for death on their bikes

wow WTF that damn pop up!

wow crazy lol

sorry some one please tell me if this video was edited. this is by far the furthest water slide jump i have seen, i have seen many o jump. blew my mind.


lol i searched youtube for keez and came up with this also.


lol this song rocks

lol that water slide thing is fatal.

Kinky stunts ;o

and i’d say that water slide was definitely fake lol

ROFL!!! the count video was hilarious omfg

they had to test the water slide video, look how pumped people were when he banged it out.

if i seen that i would have shat.

That water slide is fucked up…

Thats gotta be fake somehow

That would of been fucking sick if he was getting a BJ while doing a wheelie.

i wanted to see him fall off lol and that water slide looks like hella un but be better flying in to a lake or some shit

lol agreed. I thought he was gonna fall off at the end or something. Stlill pretty sick and looks fun. I’d could think of a dozen Motorbikes i’d be greatful to own atleast one of.



that water slide is sick but come on there is no way that can be realy. you couldnt land that first shot like that, to miss would be probally death

some kid totally shits about his mom canceling his WOW(World Of Warcraft) account. look what he does to the tv remote lol

and here is the aftermath after he foound out the video was on the internet.

full of epic.