Program to layer a 2D picture?

Uhm… k, some of you guys are smart… so maybe you guys would know.
and I see this as being possible, as programs are smart…
I have Inventor, but I don’t think it’s possible in there at all.

What I’m looking to do, is take a 2D image, and have and make layers out of it… turning it 3D technically I guess?
and make it printable to a plotter/printer.
Just outlines are fine… preferred actually.

Just a few layers… 3 are fine.
3-10 I guess.

Is it possible?

I think I said that somewhat clearly.
if it’s possible someone should be able to understand what I’m talking about!

Someone who knows how to use Photoshop should be able to do this.

I never actually even thought of using it.
not a bad idea

would have to be CS4 though since thats the one with all the 3-D capabilities.

You’d just do it manually I think.

He isn’t talking about making a 3D image on the screen.

Right. just want an outline.
getting CS4 now, so I’ll see :o

if you need a copy shoot my a pm or email.
ive hooked a couple others up on the board already.

91% now :]
says 2 mins to go! :S

thanks though :slight_smile: