Not to be a dick but how do you know how these people feel? You arn;t exactly incontact with all 800 families.
Like eric said and I was getting at. Have some tact and class.
Not to be a dick but how do you know how these people feel? You arn;t exactly incontact with all 800 families.
Like eric said and I was getting at. Have some tact and class.
its a freaking protest. how much tact and class do you want?
Morals and class - again how and how you shouldn’t protest. It has everthing to do with it. The inital post was brought up that some one was offended IE Eric because he has lost firends. How do you know if other people wern’t affected in this way, reguarless of party. You don’t, and you don;t know how somthing of this nature is going to affect other people.
Again there are some things that should and shouldn’t be done.
Quite personally I’m with eric on this one, I don’t agree with what is being done.
I guess you have no problem with people when they gather and burn crosses in a field with sheets over there head. Because hey they are just protesting.
maybe people were will take offense to this. I take offsense to out president sending a few hundred thousand miltary people over there in a non-provoked take over of their country, which has lead to almost 1,000 American deaths.
1000 empty caskets offend you, the 1000 that are occupied offends me.
that a really really really stupid analogy, but no, I have no problem with that.
You must be getting confused. I don;t think it was right what went on, but as long as the military is over ther e I support the troops and with them the best, because they are doing their jobs.
You are right 1000 filled caskets suck but there is no need to bring 1000 caksets down town empty or not to “protest”
You must be eating too much Russian pussy, you’re getting communist ideals confused with democratic ones… :greddy2:
Watch some of the things that they are doing, and more importantly, read some of the things that they are doing, and don’t quote or as your source of information.
I have friends at Hofstra that share your point of view on many political issues, but even they agree that the protests are a disrespect to our military personnel.
I fail to see, by ANY stretch of the imagination, how an anti-war protest of this nature could be construed as anti-military. This isnt Vietnam.
the protestors support the military too. the support the idea of them not getting sent into harms way by an idiot president and getting killed for no good reason. I would have no problem fighting/dying for my country, if the cause was valid, and I would have no problem supporting a war that was valid. You dont see people protesting the Afghanistan war do you?
there still taking troops to Bosnia…you need a ticket
ok lets think about this here… military people go in know they can be deployed at any minute and they can also die in any minute… they server there country. its there job. who cares if they are doing there job over in iraq or if they are doing it here sittin on a chair doing nothing?
i don’t see what these protestors are talking about? why is it there business? military people die, thats the way shit goes. the protestors are just being retarded IMO
nope, we didnt need to be over there either. We are NOT the world’s police. We need to stay the fuck out of everyone elses business.
then where are the protestors…since that was the clinton war…i was there twice and you dont see me stampeding around bitching do you
verry well put
totally different situation, although there were protestors .
how is it diffrent and do you know how many people died there.
i see your point, but putting soldiers in harms way for no reason really isnt a good thing. Just because they have pledged to give their life for their country, doesnt mean we should take them up on their offer so haphazardly.
well, we didnt execute a regime change, we arent occupying their country, the UN agreed to help… shall I go on?