well i am all for freedom of speech and all but the shit going on in NY is uncalled for…
protestors are marching with caskets with flags over them.protesting the war in Iraq…i think this is a real disgrace to soldiers and familys that lost loved ones in the war…its not a conservatite libereal agenda…i don’t care who does it but it is a disgrace…
maybe one of them should go to a military funereal of someone they loved or was close to
The best way to protest is at the voting polls… Thats the only way anyone can truly protest anything…
:stupid: I think it is supremely disgraceful towards our military personnel… Its one thing to be against the president and his ideals, its a whole different ballgame to do things like they are doing in NYC. The young men and women in the military dont have a choice on whether to fight or not, they just do what they are told, its not their fault that we are in Iraq.
i am so glad people are seeing my view…i had a friend die last year in Iraq and it was hard on me…i am sure if i wasnt deployed stateside i would of cried at the funereal
A good friend of mine and co-worker is in Baghdad right now. I e-mail him every week. It’s a rough tour, protesters have NO idea of the sacrifices being made by servicemen and women.
how is it a disgrace? They are protesting so that the troops will come home, and no more of them will die… I love how the conservatives make out anti-war liberals to be anti-american and anti-army. Which is funny because it couldnt be further from the truth.
i dont mind the protestors but have a heart…there are familys that lost loved ones…no need for prancing caskets draped in a flag down main street…but i guess you dont understand since you never was in the military or had a friend die in combat…i got three friends that died…two in bosnia ( the clinton war ) and one in Iraq…
they’re not prancing. They (as well as I) dont think we should have/should still be in Iraq. They are trying to send the message to people. When CNN tells you that 800 or however American soldiers have died, it doesnt really hit home. But if you see 800 flag covered caskets marching down the street, it hits home much better. Its called playing with imagery.
I sort of agree, that shit is uncalled for. Do your protesting in the polls. These people are just fucking dumb and probably half of them don;t even work.
I could see it now.
-“Hey Boss”
-“can I have off tomarrow?”
-“What for?”
-“I want to carry flag draped coffins around NYC”
-“Yeah a bunch of my friends thought it would be so cool to protest the convetion by carrying coffins around with the national flag”
-“Son, I’m going to grant you your request, step into my office your fucking fired!”
Mike understand this concept but don;t you think there is a time and place for certian things and morals should come into play.
IE how about anti abortion clinics standing on the corner with signs and baskets of recently aborted fetus.
Yeah people my not grasp the number of 800 but there should be some morals involved when you play with imagry. What about the families who did loose loved ones. You think they want to see that stuff. especially if they are walking buy or wirok in the area? Its not like they are seieng it on TV and can just turn it off if it starts to upset them…
i think a protest like this will back fire to the democrats…some people might vote the other way…i just think you need to show some class when you do things
why would the families of killed soldiers be upset? These people are fighting to have the troops brought home, so no more of them die. Not exactly an evil cause. These parents/families of killed soldiers have gone through a lot worse than seeing empty caskets being paraded through New York.