interesting pic from the anti war rally..


idk what to say

that is man baby…I have no idea what that has to do with anti war

its kinda pertinent. if we werent fucking around in Iraq, we’d have had lots more money/troops to help with Katrina. But I agree, it was more of a anti-Bush rally than it was an anti war rally.

they outta throw all those fuckers in a firey pit. has anyone ever seen who protests war? Weirdos, faggots, losers, hippies, bull dykes, tree huggers, big dorks and maybe a sprinkle of some semi normal people. These are people that have nothing better to do with their life than to make themselves feel like they belong cause they were rejected in life. Fuck them and like said, wtf does that sign have to do with war. Dumbass “it” doesn’t even know wtf “it’s” tryin to say. Looks like he/she got popped in the mouth, lips too big couldn’t speak so i had to make senseless sign. Kinda funny the bitch is all pissed off looking and the bitch next to her is smiling like she just licked some good dyke pussy.

why the hate?

its my constitutional right :wink:


like i always say… important humans work during the day and don’t have time to rally. rallys get college kids, housewives, and weirdos… rally on saturday with well thought out arguements if you want to impress me :duuno:

speaking of rallys, is there any of those left? I’d like a Big Buford. it sucked that everyone in the city was in a ghetto.

i said WHY the hate?

like I SAID, because I CAN. they can hate the pres, i can hate them. i mean i’m sure the fact they are rejects wasting police resources which in turn is everyones tax money has something to do with it as well. They can protest till they are blue in the face but it won’t make a lick of difference.


man, now I see all the damage done when I recieve more of my money… That I earned. I hate those people. If your are against this war, the your are STUPID, and I hate you. Unless given an sound reason, I will continue this way.

Do we really need to discuss N.O. in an anti war thread? If I gave all my money to the government, would the bums lesten and get the fuck out of town when warned?

Why does every photographer always have to show, The Dykes of the protests carrying a backpack.

Oh, and as a pre-emtive retort to darkstar… Oh, very clever. STFU. Don’t bring up topics that people feel strongly about if you don’t want let people be aggressive in their posts.

has anyone ever seen who protests war? Weirdos, faggots, losers, hippies, bull dykes, tree huggers, big dorks and maybe a sprinkle of some semi normal people.


You are so fucking right on with this. LMAO

it’s so funny that you hate protesters, because protesters love you…

wish i had a better pic of cutty to work from…


i didn’t labour in PaintShop for two and a half minutes to only get one response… lol.