Pulling a bunch of .docs and .pdfs off a website.

Ok, for a limited time I have access to some stuff on my company website, a lot of the information will be taken away when I leave the job. The information I want to pull is purely sales tips, product info, calculators, and other helpful stuff that can be integrated into my new job.

Is there an easy way to pull the files without right clicking save as on each one?

Lol is that even legal?

You can find a script that can search through sources similar to image downloaders.

What is your time frame? I can probably code you something in some free time.

just use a program that is made for caching websites.

In IE cant you so a save page and follow all links too?


downthemall for firefox will do it


Awesome… when I get home, ill give those a shot. Thanks.

When I left Time Warner I snagged all their discount codes off their Intranet. A lot of them were good discounts. Sadly I deleted the email I have saved them in :frowning:


Yeah sucked :frowning: oh wells.
