Pure driver - Rally vid


A little OG Walter Rohl


wow, thats some sick footwork. i need to take a class or something, i wanna learn to drive like that lol.

Soo many people, thats crazy

Watching that proves that 75 feet is way too far to have spectators at our autocross events. Looks like to me anything more than 2 inches from the track is just fine.

Seriously, you know how easy it would be to replace the cones if you were just standing right to the side of them. Seems safe…

If you guys want I’ll upload that whole group B documentary tonight (I think I have two hour long ones).


Yeah I have no objections to that.

Pfftt… could just put people in place of the cones. Would be easier to keep count of the screams. :tup:

Death race 2000 style! I work at a nursing home, we can get some old people for extra points.

yea omg i was getting nervous just seeing some of them out on the track thats gotta be insane…

Group B > you

werd. I need to hook up a camera during auto-x next year to see how my left foot braking actually looks. I actually would like a 2nd camera catching the run and then sync the two cams up to see it all.

wow, people didnt value their lives much back then

Now you’re cooking. :tup:

3- Adult
5- Old person
10-Small child

Take a look at what Mike Keller did early this season with his video and find out how he did it.

Difference is, Walt can drive…

Ok, Group B video is on it’s way up to Google Video as is Secrets of Speed - Audi Quattro (another hour long spot on Audi’s racing history with some AWESOME S1 footage.)

I’m looking forward to it. I think I’ve watched almost every single thing Group B associated on google video and youtube etc.

I have no idea if my computer finished uploading or not, seeing as how I’m in Buffalo and wont be home till tomorrow atleast.