QSL Cranberry Wing Night

Anyone going up here?

i have a feeling everyones going to Robinson?

everyone goes to robinson homes.

Do you know BurnyD???

i am going jeff said he is going also


reading this on tuesday?..not me i would imagine i’m late

Tuesday night at Robinson QSL, usually 8p.m.-ish

you going

also there is a gun show in harmerville this weekend…time for a AR-15

I am indeed going to wings, as usual.

Oh, the show is a nice place to pick up some equipment. They have it all!

It is HOLMESu illiterate fuck

Very nice weapons, we have one and it is a blast to shoot:naughty:

im going to wing nite!!!

any of u guys go to harmar gun show let me know, i might be going seeing its um right down the street

Waht so u can shoot ur toe off this time, great idea:ugh:

Don’t bother with anything other than Bushmaster or Armalite for the recievers. You’ll pay more for them, but it’s worth the extra cash.

I might head out to Cranberry for some wings. I don’t think I’ll feel like driving all the way to Robinson tonight.


um ya, my toe, still here, urs???

besides ull shot ur eye out

I know everyone goes to Robinson. I’m not driving all the way down to Robinson, so I was wondering if anyone was going to Cranberry, because I probably will.

well zachattack we go there every tues… so if you want to come on down!