Quad core AMD system

Plane jane thrown together AMD system from shit I had laying around.

AMD Phenom II X4 965BE @ 3.4GHZ
4GB DDR2, old school shit
Nvidia 8400GS
ASUS 770 AMD Board

Will load windows 7 on it

Will not play current games on full blast by any means. As a daily use machine, graphics work etc will do just fine. Give it to your grandma or your little brother that jerks off to teen summer all day long and plays neopets

buy a GeForce 560 for 200 bucks and play battlefield 3 on it. It will play battlefield 3 with a 560 just fine on high

Its in a plane baige case thats missing a couple things on the back, its some old clunker case I had laying around, it looks stealth and sleeper like delucias(sp?) civic.

Reset switch and lights dont work because the fuckign wires are to shor and I don’t feel like splicing new ones together or spending money on another case just to sell it… Power button works… really all you need anyways, who wants to see their fucking hard drive light blinkitty blinking all the fucking time?

$300OBO … to be honest i probably won’t move on that price to much… but make me an offer

AMD 965 need DDR3 homie ;). You sure it’s not DDR3 memory? or it’s def a 965? The last AM2 processor was the 940BE (3.0 quad).

Also, GLWS! Good deal!

lol @ your post. Blinkity blinkity. :lol

GLWS with Shady.

Its a 965, and its DDR2.

It doesnt NEED DDR3

My bad. Thought it was a requirement. Awesome processor right here! Someone buy!

AFAIK there will really be no dependency between the type of ram vs processor. hell if someone made a AM3 socket with rombus ram it should work.

The difference between DDR2/3 can be negligible… DDR2 is just exspensive these days :rofl

Its not top of the line, but itll do what most will throw at it

Thanks nick!