Gates open @ 5:00
Entry fee to test and tune $20.00
Spectators $10.00 & 2nd spectator $5.00 (June Special!)
Test and Tune starts at 5:30pm and runs to 11:00pm
Gamblers race @ 8:00pm Box and No Box
Payout 80% of gamblers race to the Winner and Runner-Up
Who’s going… man up biches. I’m taking the ferio so i can make sure i know how to launch and shift it for the flashlights
i just wanna see if i can break the 13s w/o my tranny built and all my supportin mods. i need some base times dude… your just pissed cause i aint gonna run out the flash light drags if i got to QCR, ill blow your doors off AGAIN :finger:
sides it says it MAY produce hail and its only UPTO 20mph winds