question about pitbulls....

i’m looking into getting a pitbull/lab mix puppy and was wondering if anyone knows if they shed? if anyone knows anything, i’d appreciate the help. thanks.

they dont shed at all

my friend has a pitbull/lab mix and its a crazy fun dog, one of my favorites ever

and it has a huge dong

you really cant go wrong with that mix, unless you have babies, which im sure the dog would punch

lol awesome. thanks a lot, i’ll post pics up when/if i get one for sure which would be like in a week or so.

Brandon has a pitbull/german shepherd mix and it sheds like mad… lol

i have a purebred pit and he doesnt shed at all…

probably the best tempred dog EVAR… anybody who has ever met my dog says teh same thing

all i know is that you should name it Palmer. That is all :wink:

depends what his coat is like. i dont think u will be able to tell until u see its coat, u need to know if his coat is mostly terrior or mostly lab. if its lab, it will shed

every dog sheds its fur. but pitbulls have really short hair and dont have much of an undercoat so they dont shed nearly as much hair and its not very noticable when they do.

My buddy has 2 dogs and both are a pitbull/lab mix and they don’t shed very much. They both have very very short hair.

all dogs shed you tards

^^ :word: totally agree. Its all about ow the mix turns out in the end. Seems like it would be a mad cool dog tho.

sureshot: love the sig