question on photo editing software

anybody know of free program to use for photo editing??

I’ve always used photoshop so i don’t know much about whats out there. Someone @ my work needs something to use & they are not the best when it come to using software packages…photoshop would be way to complicated.

she just needs something basic that can crop, resize, etc…

Microsoft Photo Editor. Usually comes with Windows.

i don’t think its on XP professional?? :dunno:

Hmmmm, I have it on my comp at home which is XP Home, but not here at work (XP Pro). So, maybe you are right.

start - run - “mspaint”

use the sketch and skew to resize.

yeah i know you can use paint, but i was looking for something with a little more options & a little more freindly when it comes to photo editing

ther has got to be a free download of something…i search the web.

i used iview32 in the past.

try and just sort by ‘free’

i found one

VCW VicMan’s Photo Editor 7.82 …it looks like it was patterned after photoshop, but less complicated.