
Fucking crybaby!:crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :greddy: :wtf:

what you talking about

not again :wtf:

what happened to the original longest efighting thread of all time?

archive maybe? idk it should be brought back it was funny, kinda like ur face:op:

Round 2:dunno:


I want to make fun of you really bad… but we have to stay on topic here!.. stay out of this efighting unless you have something to say about quik… :bigthumb:

there is no ontopic in efighting newb…:finger:

quik has salty nuts

wtf this is so fucking gay… im taking this from quik being a g/f stealing slow race truck driving bitch… to the admins being a bunch of homos for erasing the original threads…

quik why do you keep pretending like you odnt know what they are talking about… they are talking about you and laura… and i guess devin assumes that you complained enough to get the thread deleted.
ahh the humanity

^^^^ding ding ding ding ding…fucking crybaby,or else the mods are to blame…either wya it ws\as a great fucking thread and should of been archived after the month is over…

never should have been deleted

one i didint cry to mods or admins. i went to bed and woke up it was gone.

sorry didnt steal nobodys girlfriend. she came to ME!

why is me dating laura a big deal? the only ones making fuss over it the lame person who tried to get with her. now that was lame. i mean " we are so perfect together, if you didnt have a boyfriend you would be mine" you are so hot…jsut some of the lamest attempts at getting a girl. and top it off he did it on myspace. Pewterss seen the PM laura sent him after sleeper trying his dammest to try and get laid. fucked up thing i didnt try at all. now he assumes i cried cause of his dick size. calling attention to me to take the heat of him. its funny how Pewterss wants to rough up devin cause of how he goes about hitting on girls and fails poorly.

i could give two shits about being in efights but you ahve little dick wonders who have to run their mouths in this section to make up for their lack of manhood or can i say skills.

oh yea fuck you mac cause your car is slower then a stock SS hehe

this thread sucks

yes it does


I siad she was hot and i would fuck her,that is it! Now u have what is left over of the new PS flavor of the month hottness. U took advantage of a 20 year old for christ sakes and stole her from another so called freind of urs,now that is lame. Who wouldn,t want to hit it? Plain and simple…u are swole that evrybody knows ur a back stabbing wanna be player and now ur being made fun of and u are bringing other shit into it,lame…

I not once tried to take her away from her BF at all,just spoke my mind.is that wrong? I don,t think so…it IS wrong to steal a woamn from a guy and take advantage of someone…ur gay…just leave and go be happy while it lasts till next month

stfu or :ban:'s will be flying! fucking drop it!!!

