Quik's Wedding Pictures

Wedding of the year…

Introducing the wedding party:

First, the handsome groomsmen and the fine looking groom ( in red)

Red ties, black ties, no tie. Mass confusion. “Alright, everyone … let’s line up for the picture. Let’s see … hmmm, where shall we … oh, yes! Perfect! Everyone, please move quickly! Right over there, in front of the garage. Yes, that will be just smashing!”

Next, the lovely bridesmaids and the blushing bride

Not everyone can pull off such a vibrant red, but I think this group does it. Sassy, I tell you, just sassy.

Last, the cute couple

Those Wal-Mart slides really enhance her cankles. Note how their “outdoor backdrop” is probably a clearing behind the All-Sups where the weeds actually got mowed just for this occasion.

At least his head is somewhat proportionate. To her left boob.

What’s she showing us here? A severe case of knee gout?? Apparently, whatever it is has her husband in more of a stupor than usual - How bout those teeth?

“You SO crazy, honey …”

“Here baby, let me help you up here …”

He’s apparently reaching for something and having trouble locating it. A forklift might help raise any blockage.

You can almost hear the banjo music.

I guess this just proves that there is someone for everyone in this world!



that aint right!

that’s a serious efight thread right there…

time + planning and detication = the win

u sure u put that in the right thread num nuts?

yes. guess it isnt serious. but be_rad gave it some planning.

:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

Seeing this makes me feel so much better about myself.




good one for the time

Laura put some weight on? :dunno:

if that was the case i must of got shorter and lost weight also

face didnt change any!!!:smiley:

:rofl: where in the hell did you find that picture? lol

omfg, i cant stop laughing

mad props to b rad!


be_rad you have way too much time on your hands…

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I swear to GOD that guy was at Sharky’s last night… singing Karaoke

no teef=no singing