Quik's Wedding Pictures

hey devin do you actually think your somebody? youre 1 fucking year younger then me and was hitting on her. you got owned so now your saying a 20yr girl is underage. now yoru sayimg im almost 30. thats 3 fucking years away or cant you count? also why are you pming ADAM? are you trying to become his friend when at first you tried your dammest to break them up? how about you join the team of ppl that BEAT their girlfriends… im sorry but i dont need to be drunk to get viloant and i dont need to beatup girls like you and others do. this is getting old you think your owning me but youre just trying ot take hte heat off yourself. anyone that needs a gun to pistol slap someone when they are drunk cause thye are with your ex is a joke. your efights are as weak as your game. as for backstabbging or shit like thta name a true firend i do that do or did that to and not just someone from pittspeed. without pittspeed you have no life. i have ppl out side of pittspeed i known for years apond years. so to you little boy dont think your someone when your not. as for hyping myself up sorry but saying i dont need protenin adhancements to beocme myself isnt talking myself up its saying your little self needs roids or alcholol to even talk to walk without getting shit tossed at you. for sakes a 16yr boy is owning hte fucking out of you and probably gets more ass then you. i remmber 3 weeks ago when you first started this shit cause of jealously. then you said flavor of hte week then said 2 weeks now im the flavor of the month? your a funny dude then telling adam in another week she’ll be leaving me to go back ot him. then telling him your on his side. dont think for one moment i dont knwo what you say cause i do. get real and as for she PMing you shes telling you to get the fuck out of her life. its sad tho youre a MYSPACE pimp but failed poorly at it!!! you lame attemps at all girls on pittspeed is lame. theres a list of girls that shut you down and everytiem you got shut down you cried about it. and how was you helping me? by telling me shes going ot leave me? thats more sound slike since im your buddy girl ill take her off your hands try and try to pleasure her with my chemcially adanced dick and take all the abuse she will give out since your such a firend to me…now thats funny, whats more funny is youre a year younger then me and crying how shes underage but last i checked shes 20…dude that young kid is right you were the kid that got beat up in highschool, bought some protein to get you somewhere but it failed. you bought a gun to make youself think youre a hardass. you cant go one day without being drunk. what a fucking loser. and this is funny right here…


—Quote (Originally by SleeperGTP)—
Hey man,i just wanted u to know that i had NOTHING to do with the whole
u n laura thing man,i simply stated one lil thing and it gone blown out
of proportion. I am on ur side man in case u havent noticed. Just don’t
be pissed at me man at all.

—End Quote—

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Wwell if u would of only see nthe e-fighting
thread i starte man about it and tore quik a new asshole! It was
sooooooooo bad that their was 12 people at one time veiwing it and it
went to 15 pages and got deleted,quik had his asshole torn up from
evryone! I never meant any harm man,plain n simple. But i think it is as
fucked up as u and i give it a month b4 she trys to come back to u,and i
hope u do NOT take her back!

that was sleepers lame attemp at trying ot get on adams side and again like anything he does it backfires badly!!! what a joke and should we talk about you PMing justin and asking what happend in the relationship as well??? thought so