Racing Sim Setup

Custom built sim rig with Corbeau TRS Race seat. The setup is adjustable. Seat moves front and back and Steering Wheel adjust up and down. The rig is built to fit the Logitech G27 Steering wheel setup. It should fit the older G25 as well. The unit is steal and powdercoated wrinkle black. Has mounts for eyebolts and race harnesses as well so hardcore gamers wont fall out. :ahh

Logitech G27 Custom fitted with a full sized sparco steering wheel replaces the mini go-cart wheel that came with it.


i want it. work for 360 or ps3?

i wish i had the extra cash glws

Assuming the g27 is the same as g25, wheel should work with 360 ps3 pc or basically anything with a usb port and drivers to answer nicos question

If I didn’t have a wedding to pay for this would be in my gaming room right now!

Man I would love to have that. Whats it weigh roughly?

WTF MAN!!! you cant sell this shit… thing is amazing for anyone that buys it.

mine will kick its ass around a track! :rofl But I think Steff would approve of the portability that his has. :lol

Its hefty but not heavy. Its manageable for one person to move. i would guess its probably around 65-75lbs.

awesome !

XBL: cosseyowns


I built it, so it’s going to fall apart in a couple weeks anyway :lol

great piece… i would love to get this unit on an iracing sim… great price too

you still iRace alot? I just got back in the swing of things. infact I ran two Legends races, 1st and 2nd! place 114 in the series!

I was kicking ass in iracing…

Now that im not in a small shithole anymore I should buy another obutto and get back into it :ponder

Anyways solid setup JVG, and yes the G25 mounts the same way as the G27, given the platform it sits on on this sim rig theres quite a few other wheels that would be able to mount to it as well. Well worth it for anyone who plays any racing games, makes the experience much more fun and comfortable for long sessions

yeahh I saw your last logon on was 2008! Dohhh.

I am back in the swing of things. 17.4’s at SoBo and 15.4’s Lanier in the legends fixed shits!

Some little shit wan a 16.8 at SoBo, which is fuckin nutty fast… i think he was hackin or some shit! lol Game is so damn addicting, and it makes me rage if some idiot takes me out for lack of racing edicate.

I just started racing the Mazda road class and ran a few Sprint cup series races

and 08? I stopped playing last summer

yeah I thought last active said 08? maybe I am seein shit. or dont remember yesterday. lol

From all that good ass rock