Rain out @ PRP tonight

now you can do some work to adams car

lol what could i do to adams car???

pose nude on it

derrrrr…thats ok i think i’ll just find something else to do tonight lol

the welder:bigthumb:

just poured down rain here pretty hard. gonna be heading that way shortly

pose nude on me!!

ok lets go back onto the main topic now

u r now,that the track rained out!may i get on first?:69: :booty: :x: :smiley:

hahaha isnt adam your “son”…???

yup,but u aint my daughter:69:

hahahaha ok i’m just going to stop now lol




just rained like a bitch out here. sun is out now, but IT dumped hard for about 20 minutes. really hard!

edited cause i spell like pewter…

but i dumped hard for about 20 minutes. really hard!

awesome, i bet u feel hella better now

funny, but i fixed it:ugh:


^hahahaha no rain at all here

:crying: :blah: