Random Picture Thread

Really glad I got that 55-200 VR lense.

Jay what camera do you shoot with? D40 right? What settings do you use to take those shots?

Yep, D40. Normally I only play with the manual settings for night shooting or landscapes where I have all kinds of time to adjust everything. For the ducks I was just using the “Sports/Action” setting, as well as the setting with the picture of a kid.

Quite a testiment to the D40 actually.

I’ll be playing with it more because I want to get better at playing with depth of field to keep the main subject in focus while bluring the background.

D40 is def a good camera. I love my 40x.

When you want to lower the Depth of focus, take the aperture way down. You won’t get too much of that affect out of the 55-200, but it can still do something.

Might want to consider a lens with f-stops like 1.8 or 2.8 lens. I love my 2.8.



All the purdy flowers on earth day…

Went to Puerto Rico…





I used to live in Orchard Park/Boston and for some reason, never ended up doing the eternal flame hike. Just went today.

and the woman.

i think i have a couple psych classes with her…canisius college…

yup, she’s a psych major there. what classes?

that’s badass

A church in Zurich

Alps in Triesenberg, Liechtenstein

Haven’t gotten too much of a chance to muck with my D40 but took a couple of photo’s tonight before bed.

A couple of my pooch Xena…

And here is one my fiance took of our one cat that I like…


well i’m no photographer… but i make one mean grilled cheese sammich!


yeah. it was delicious.

now I’m hungry…