Random Picture Thread

It was just a tip as I know he takes a ton of photos for his site.

LOL it was just a tip since a lot of people take pics not to be professional and just take them how they feel/like.

For future reference, you shouldn’t post blown out over exposed photos, it just shows your inexperience. :poke:

I disagree. Photography is about giving the viewer a perspective that they don’t typically see. If you’re just taking pics at a “normal” point of view, it starts to walk the line between photography and documentation.

Tell this guy that he’s inexperienced:


True story is I was drunk and couldn’t hold the camera straight. (actually not true)

I had a short window of time to get the car and building. It just rained, and I was holding the camera just above the wet ground aiming it up hoping to catch it.

Sometimes the story means more than the angle. The shot wasn’t meant to go into an Ansel Adams coffee book.

joe was a flash used in that first pic? i dig the lighting on the car

Love this shot.

No flash and no photoshop. Just after the terrential storm cleared, the natural lighting seemed perfect and I had a 3 minute window to try and get a shot.


how do you take the lightning shots?

just keep pulling the trigger and get lucky?

Long exposure, tiny aperture.

semi truck wheel reflection on the 290


That is pretty awesome, so much for driving haha

Every time Micah sees a reflective object I think he takes a picture. :slight_smile:


nice pic micah :tup:
bet it would look great poster size

i like those shoes.


last nights sun set. couldnt pass up the chance at this picture with the colors in the sky last night




my dads home made ramp for my dog. not the best quality photo but just showing it.



borrowed my friend clark’s camera for a few days. snapped these guys and dorked around in photoshop learning a bit of post production. here are the results
