sorry to break the trend of good pictures, but I had to post this somewhere. look closely.
corner of Genesee and Pine Ridge Road.
sorry to break the trend of good pictures, but I had to post this somewhere. look closely.
corner of Genesee and Pine Ridge Road.
^ Tragic low saturation hit and run in the park?
youre getting pretty good yeamabu
Yeah Kevo… lookin good dude.
Seeing this is the “Random” picture thread ill post something that caught me off guard.
Surfing in Munich… In early October, wtf!?
wow, that is the sketchiest surf spot I have ever seen
Fucking Bavarians
Edit: And I love the PT Cruiser in the background too, furthering the randomocity lol.
that’s awesome.
I wonder what the water temp is in Munich this time of the year
oh, it’s a fucking river? I was wondering how the hell there were waves…that fucking rocks
It’s the “Random picture that YOU TOOK” thread.
There’s a random pics/gifs thread for stupid shit you find on the internet.
If you were in Munich and took though though, :tup:.
Was happy with how this one came out.
Exposure: 0.02 sec (1/50)
Aperture: f/3.5
Focal Length: 21 mm
ISO Speed: 400
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Canon XTi w/Sigma EX 18-50mm f/2.8
Love how sharp my new L glass is
Exposure: 0.002 sec (1/500)
Aperture: f/4.0
Focal Length: 200 mm
ISO Speed: 100
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Canon XTi w/Canon 70-200mm f/4L
thanks a lot guys, make me feel better about the pictures i take, i only wish im progressing with these photos, still need to get my hands on a dslr.
everything i post is with a nikon p80 p&s
by the way, josh those surfing pics, that had to be pretty sweet to watch, any chances of getting seriously injured there, i cant tell what they are going to deal with in that angle of the shot.
Who is that even directed to lol?
And it was about 55 atmosphere temp so I could only imagine how cold that water was.
Get a DSLR Yams, you have made the jump I believe lol.
Yeah, I should have quoted. Didn’t realize how quick this thread would pick up today. But it was directed at you. Did you take those pics?
well with the new job im getting, 2 weeks and counting, maybe now ill have the money to get one!
Maybe ill take it as a compliment, but yeah I took those yesterday.
It was at 9am through a nice long Oktoberfest 9 mass hangover from the day before, so sadly I was to lazy to shoot in full manual They could have came out so much better.
Where you gonna work Kev? What happened to LN?
lackawanna products corp, its a trucking brokerage.
Ill be calling up business that need a certain product shipped from point a to point b and taking care of the trucking for them for a price, i then call trucking companies or a trucker, and see if they are interested in shipping that product for cheaper than the price we are given, so the company then makes the difference.
i just cant stand localnet anymore, and being that this will pay me alittle more and also give me full paid health without taking a penny out of my weekly pay, i couldnt pass that up. start in 2 weeks.
i get to work monday through wednesday this week, took vacation for thursday and friday, then monday - thursday next week and get friday paid vacation, then another week of paid vacation on the same week i start the new job. good way of getting some extra cash!
nice job stealing my shot…dick lol
couple more from that night: