i use a nikon d40. I think its a great entry level dslr. Most people here use d40s, some d50s (micah) and a few d90s (iank).
Micah uses a D50.
If you are starting out, any entry level DSLR will be plenty. Lenses tend to more important for amateur photography.
Oops good catch. Thats what i meant.
Im the odd one out on this. I shoot Sony which may be for sale soon if youre looking.
I use a d80!
D70 for me, its old…but it works heh
Curious how many of you DSLR users are using kit lenses.
I use my 18-55 non-vr nikon kit lens a lot. My other lens is the 55-200 VR AF-S f/4-5.6 which is a pretty entry level lens too.
From what I remember, quite a few of them are. the 18-55 is a POS but it can take decent shots if everything else is right.
lenses are just not cheap…
Took a trip to Colorado with the GF back in the July/August timeframe. Took some cool pics, so I thought I’d post them up…no DSLR for me though
Anyway, lemmie know what you think!
GF and I @ Summit of Berthoud Pass (Between Denver and Winter Park):
The end of the Royal Arch Trail outside of Boulder:
Looking out over Boulder from the top of Royal Arch:
One more from Royal Arch:
Cog train tracks at the summit of Pikes Peak (these are my favs):
Dicking around on the summit of Mt. Evans:
Mtn Goats around the summit house of Mt. Evans:
Mtn Goats on the way up to the summit of Mt. Evans…dude just hopped down the cliff right after this picture:
Garden of the Gods outside of Co. Springs…it’s amazing how varied the climate is in CO:
The GF in GoG’s:
A Marmot in Rocky Mtn National Park:
Scene @ Rocky Mtn National Park:
And finally the super-touristy Denver Capital Mile High marker shot:
Anyway, lemmie know what you think!
Whats with the train tracks?
were those tracks used in back to the future 3?
There’s a cog rail train that you can take to the summit of Pikes Peak…if you’re too afraid to drive up the road :burnout:
They literally end at that stop, and I’d say its 500’+ to the nearest ground below the end of those tracks. It was pretty cool walking around up there.
a few pics from Griffis sculpture park i took yesterday.