Random Picture Thread

couldnt sleep last nite so i started messing around with photoshop…its not the best but its not terrible for my first try…

blank screen by XwalkerX, on Flickr

Creative :tup:

im bummed my tripod moved but ill give it another go soon.

btw nice running into you guys last nite… i only got 1 half way decent shot lol…fail.

Use full manual so the exposure/aperture/iso stay the same then there wont be a difference between shots… Unless that was intended?

I don’t think I’m creative enough for this constant photography thing, I still have to get a shot for today.

lol thanks for the heads up but i know how to use a camera and my camera is always on manual.

i wanted it brighter and clearer in the screen vs the rest of the picture.

this makes you sound very dull…

ha yea, I am pretty boring. ssdd for the most part.

psych center towers by XwalkerX, on Flickr

^ I love this picture and that building.

DSC_2013 by ZOMGVTEK, on Flickr

^My favorite wheels of all time <3

Some shots I’ve taken over the weekend with my camera phone. I thought they came out pretty good for what they are…



camel bomb by XwalkerX, on Flickr


rusty sun by XwalkerX, on Flickr

property of the city of buffalo by XwalkerX, on Flickr

Coffee Rich by XwalkerX, on Flickr

um, hey, what phone do you have??? wtf those pics are great

street meat by XwalkerX, on Flickr


HTC Incredible. It has an 8mp camera but sometimes has trouble focusing… esp on macro type shots.