Random Picture Thread

What are you doing in my hood? Stay safe if you are going through Detroit with a camera worth more than thier annual income.

went there for a day trip this past sat to urban explore and photograph some cool shit. oh and trust me between the two of us we had a d200, d70s, d90 and a variety of lenses you better believe we had quite a few weapons on us incase things got real sketchy but for the most part we didnt have any problems.

Rachel Ray is doomed!!! by XwalkerX, on Flickr

Went down to the waterfront to get some shots of the wind storm. One of the set I did some quick post processing while at work.

It would be a bad day to walk the riverwalk near the Peace Bridge.

its nuts how the water level changes down there on a daily basis

When the wind starts blowing real strong it’s like tilting a giant bathtub. I bet the beaches in Cleveland are reaching out about twice as far as normal today since all the water is at our end of the lake.

Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free by XwalkerX, on Flickr

none of this?


Couple more Lake Erie wind storm pictures:

Managed to snap these yesterday there was quite a big rabbit family in my backyard driving my dog insane. These where taken thru my patio door glass so not as good as they could have been.


born for this by XwalkerX, on Flickr

the writings on the wall by XwalkerX, on Flickr

save the clocktower! by XwalkerX, on Flickr

This photo just blue my mind :tup:

What you did there, I see it.

Cargill building by XwalkerX, on Flickr

heetur machine by XwalkerX, on Flickr

poopra! by XwalkerX, on Flickr