Crocs are definately super comfy and unless you have tried them you are missing out. They do look pretty gay for men unless you are molto mario. They are great for washing the car in the summer though. They are not that asthetically pleasing but fabulous none the less.
Let me guess…croc haters hate UGGs as well.
i thought they were pretty queer at first but my mom bought me a pair of the shitty ones and i just use them for work…( they dont slide on the floors and i work at a pizza place so the floor is always slippery )
I stand by my previous comment that my crocs are awesome. I will definitely be wearing them when the weather gets less wet and cold.
Crocs suck
don’t get me started on Uggs…
hrmm which do I detest more?
Probably Uggs because they are more prevalent
I hate uggs more because girls wear them with there fucking sweat pants tucked into them, the person that made them a fashion trend should die.
but guys that where Crocs need to have their nuts cut off…