Rate the avatar above you.

5/10 just cuz its a mustang…damn straight its CP


that avatar is almost is hot as mine 7/10 cuz there its not NWS

rate me 10/10 or ban… seriously

9/10 for being ghetto fabulous but missing the bling.

18/20 high quality no pixelation ftw

1/10 cuz hes one ugly SOB!!!



i <3 u singh :slight_smile:

yea ! :vlad

Bringing this baaaaack.

9/10 Epic Singhs pose :number1

10/10 great movie

10/10 think with your dipstick JIMMY

Nom nom nom

edit: 7/10

what is it?



Seriously? Its Vader.

Chris’: I gonna hide in a box. 5/10

10/10 vader is badass!!!

6- its not a Ford or Cummins

it’ll tow all 3 of your rides backwards!!! just prolly wouldnt run the 1/4 as fast as 1 of them…


not really sure wat it is, its a wiener with a pitchfork? def a lil wierd but different

OMG i see it now. Thats a pretty cool picture

7/10 if it is a mini godzilla