Re: Suggestion Thread

So, he’s the tough guy for adding cynical comments to thread, but you’re the one taking offense and getting all bent out of shape and putting on the tough guy routine…but he’s the e-tough guy?

You logic is flawed good sir.

And when the hell was anyone ‘talking about my car’ I have a 2 or 3 page project thread that’s mostly me posting pictures of nonsensical parts? I “jumped in” because I seem to be the only Mod on right now and have to babysit apparently.

e- represents online.

i’m willing to handle it offline, where he, isnt

therefore he is the e-Whatever the case may be

how is that flawed? i would meet him and talk shit to his face, and if he pissed me off i’d fight him. the only way to see if i’m serious or not is to meet me somewhere, my offer is on the table. i’m not sitting here, refusing to come outside and play.

Dude babysit? you take your mod job WAY to seriously.

handle what? what is there to handle?

this makes no sense

I’m trying to avoid any hood-like and ghetto activity and yet I’m still being called the e-thug. ya, your logic is fuked

How so? You think vlad would have let it go? I’m was appointed to moderate the conversation on the board…Hi that’s what I’m doing. diaf.

ok, just making sure my logic wasn’t flawed. you handle shit online, so next month you can get the e-handleshitonline OTM

now try, really hard, not to say something else super funny cause your at home, all safe and protected.

i have no problem with your “official warning” and or moving posts and repremanding me. I don’t want to do this shit here all day, ill take care of it outside of the forums, but this seems to be the only means of communication with Gran, and i’m not going to sit here and be polite when i’m pissed off so it comes out how it comes out

what shit am I handling? you started with me, I shot back, you took another stab, and so on. You got uber pissed first and challenged me to a fight.

again, like I said before… I’m at work. I don’t sign on the forums at home

That’s fine, but that kind of thing doesn’t belong in a forum suggestion thread in the general forum.

We have this section for a reason.

Someone pissing you off by talking shit about you/your family/your car? …call him out in the Battlefield. Done.

I’ve said WAY worse to other on the site and no ones has ever had such a short fuse like you before. Was the living at home comment (which I don’t even know if it’s true) a soft spot or something?

I’m far from pissed. I don’t know shit about you, so you have to realize anything I say about you is has very little, to zero, backing at all. It’s not like we are close friends and I know shit that really pisses you off and purposely push your buttons.

Granmassa, you do talk a lot of shit, im not starting in on anythin but you might want to back off sometimes. I know we have had our scuffles, but whatever, but i know you seem to like to push peoples buttons

Swift, take it easy, no one wants to fight, you going above and beyond right now

its pretty simple man. let me give you an example.

Luvin2speed is a friend of mine… but he’s a big kid, and i know he will fuck my day up. So if we got into some shit online and i said something like, whatever CRACKA! you are a e-thug (insert pic)

and he responded with. Swifty, i will meet you in 20minutes and we can talk about it in person. I would shut the fuck up, and probably back down politely.

thats how e-talking shit works. if you get called out and your a pussy you back down. you just seem to think that the internet protects you so you can say whatever and the people who you piss off can’t do anything. Which technically is true for the time being, but i just dont like you, or what i know of you so far so i’m being dead serious with what ive said. just stop talking shit to me online, and if its important say it to my face sometime… or keep doing what your doing and ill see how long i can tollerate it

I TOTALLY agree. My core group of friends bust each others balls all the time. It’s just what we do. You can tell if someone doesn’t like the ball busting in person, but thats impossible to tell on a forum. And a forum is for all to read, so even if they don’t like it, maybe someone else will :lol. I personally think a lot of you guys need to relax, but you make think I need to calm down with the shit and so on. We are all different, so it’s understandable. I really don’t see how someone that really doesn’t even know you can piss you off so badly. It really boggles my mind.

the problem is it does bother some people, there are so many egos on here. And i dont blame you for not showing up at the lot, all the bullshit down there pisses me off. So many people feel the need to talk shit to each other, its unbelievable, just like in here

there are no rules to e-talking shit. I do not have the thug mentality that you do where I’d be a “pussy” for not accepting your personal invite to meet me. To me, I win since I didn’t stoop that low and you’d be the joker cause you actually wanted to fight me. Hey, different people, different opinions. I’m sure you know VERY little about me and if that is enough for you not to like me then so be it, I’m not looking to make a ton of friends, it’s cool with me.

I didn’t say shit to you until YOU started with me. If you don’t like me so much then you should have kept your mouth shut in the first place

if people are talking negatively about people behind their back then thats def bad, but jokingly talking shit to their face is completely innocent, IMO.

well my first impression was when you went home (online, which you said you don’t do) and flamed me on rspeed for driving like an asshole, which if you didnt like it… in your own advise, you should have “kept your mouth shut in the first place”

so basically, you started a thread talking shit about someone you didnt know, and i found out about it and went on to give my side of what happened. ofcourse i’m not going to like you, and i knew nothing about you at the time. Now that i’ve seen you online and the shit you say, i still dont like you.

so for you to say that i started shit with you, i dont agree with it. I laughed at your evo and never thought about it again. until i heard someone online (go figure) was saying shit. And thats all you do. Say shit online.

he really doesn’t go online at home… notice in this link im going to post…ALL of his posting is done between 7am and 3pm;u=87;sa=statPanel

also notice that his most popular boards by acticity is 6.8% in battlefield.