Receptionist Needed

The chiropractor that I used to work for is in need of a receptionist. I know most of you have jobs, but if you know anybody looking for about 12 - 16 hours a week… hand the following to them…

Acierno Family Chiropractic and Rehabilitation Center
1214 Mt. Royal Blvd
Shaler, PA

Acierno Family Chiropractic
722 Ingomar Road
Wexford, PA

12- 16 hours a week
Monday Wednesday and Friday 3:00pm- 7:00pm
Hours available on weekends for screenings and such…

If interested please contact
Dr. Joseph Acierno
412-486-6060 (shaler)
412-364-4660 (wexford)
or email resume to

Some perks include free massages anytime, Flexible schedule (if you need to be off you get that day off), and pretty decent pay. Plus the Doc is awesome, and the two massage therapists are hilarious… really laid back, no dress code (I went to work in practically my PJ’s)

I dont think I left anything out… PM me if you need more information.

^^^^^^^^ Eurodad ^^^^^^^^^^

He would get along with these people perfectly… lol!

EURODAD: You can surf the internet all day long too! Most of the time the Doc wants you to Download music for him and burn it to CD!!!

Sounds like a :cool: doc to work for. I would need WAYYYYYY more than 12 - 16 hours a week though.

i don’t know how to do that yet

Ummm… did you read the part about free massages? :naughty:

why don’t you just work there? :dunno:

she has a sugar daddy now, work is not neccasary. :eek4dance

Because I did, and I’m in school now and my school schedule interferes…


:bsflag: :bigok:

school bus morning kindergarden out a noon, you could still knock back an east 20 hours a week.

I have a full time jobby job now…

I do not need a part time job also. :slight_smile:

that trip to wexford would eat up some pay though

if i drove the truck i would be in the hole every week.