Remember these commercials

Found these on youtube. LMAO everytime I saw these. Post up your fav commercials.

This one isnt a commercial but is funny as hell.

old school,they’ve been stuck in my head for years.

First one to get all their balls in Mr Bucket wins!

^^lol I remember that.

How about this shit…

this has always been one of my favorites

and this one too

i love the ones posted.

Just karter… Those were both terrible.

^ALF: “Lots of uproarious cassets” LOL

Irony at 0:14

^ Love this! I don’t know what is more hilarious; the dog or that woman’s hairdo…

I may be partial to Mini’s but I think they have some of the greatest commercials.

and for motorcycle fans - VW Love

i love that zelda one.

“your parents help you hook it up”

why the fuck was that tacked on there?