Retard explains to shiftwhat Vtakkk is

Your car was built to be economical, not fast.

i-vtec ftl.

D series motors suck.I had one with my old honda.As with the actual car in this thread . You could get probably 400.00 for someone to use as a daily.

That implies that they at some point made a fast Honda…

Age has nothing to do with being able to afford things, Im a 23 yr old single mother making 12 a hour with a 07 si and I have no prob affording anything at all.

1st : If you can sell all this for what you say its worth, then why didnt you just part it out then?

2nd : Cold Air intake looks very similair to one I saw at Pep Boys for like 20 bucks. Tranny and Engine together MIGHT be worth 300 together if parted out, and a flywheel and clutch for that car new is only 100 bucks. Plugs and wires are prolly around 50, The car has high miles and body is not in great condition.

3rd : 4 cylinders dont have headers buddy, it has A header, so I dont know what you mean by “those dc headers”. Plus thats not even a DC header, I had one on my old Civic, and it looked way different then yours, and I had the same engine.

5th : I would pay you to keep the gay tach. Whats the point in having 2 tachs? :retardclap

4th : It doesnt matter how someone spells VTEC, vtec, VtEc vTEC the point is it has it not how its capitalized.

Seriously your car is only worth 350 maybe 400 MAX, no more. If you dont wanna sell that cheap then part it out like you said and get what you think its worth.


What is everything magically cheaper for you?

No Im just wise with my spending and I dont waste money on stupid shit, so I end up every month with a good chunk of change to buy things with.

I don’t know how you figured that.

1.)Actually, the flywheel and clutch are worth more than 100…
And it is a DC header…he bought the motor off Miah WITH a dc header.

2.)How do you know that his car has a factory tach? You don’t. So it might be the only tach he has in his car…

3.)MSD Plug wires are $100 brand new…

4.)And don’t pull the “23 y/o single mother” thing acting like you do it allllllll by yourself. You know damn well thats not the case. Maybe you should include other forms of income and other people who assist in your living expenses when you inform people what you own at your age.



Maybe you should give your boyfriend that advice so he doesn’t get suckered out of cash for buying stereo equipment from some guy selling it out of his van.

this calls for a time for!!!>…


I wouldn’t even drive that car as a beater.

OP: Honestly, take all of your personal belongings out of the car. Drive it to a scrap yard, they will give you two, three hundred bucks for it. You won’t sell it for more than $400, so why give yourself the headache. < period there because of rhetorical status

I would. It would be a good snow bank basher for the winter.

At MOST I would bring it home and use it for my target shooting backdrop.

I would buy it and bang it off the VTECCCCCCCCC limiter all day long.

Parts are not worth shit these days, especially D-series crap. I will tell you right now. The wires aren’t worth shit unless there Nology Powerwires. The DC header is worth about 80, the flywheel 60, and the clutch 80 if it’s in good shape.

You can’t even sell a good B18 for $300 anymore.

Honestly this kid would be lucky to get $600 for that car.

1.) It doesnt look like a DC header
2.) I looked it up and it does have a factory tach.
3.) He never signified the brand.
4.) Before you go running your mouth why dont u get ur fuckin facts straight… I do it all by myself, oh I get $100 a week from my daughters father who makes 18 dollars a hour and lives with mommy and daddy and doesnt pay any rent , so if thats who you mean “assists” me in my living ur way off, legally the judge even said it I am entitled to 246 dollars a week and I wanted to be fair to him so I agreed on a 100 dollars. I do have a bf and the only thing we split is the rent and nimo which is 700 all together. So I pay my car insurance, my car loan, my daycare, and every thing else ON MY OWN. Please again before you try playing Mr cock mouth get ur facts straight. Thanks have a nice day:thumbup

5.) Instead of only posting whenever I do and trying to attempt to bash me and fail, why dont u actually post on here as a member instead of just someone that stalks me to try and say bad shit

6.) Back on Topic, to the OP, If you try for 500 u might be able to find someone, I honestly think 800 is a lil high IMO.

yo tricia, race me! i has boost u cans vtak