ride it big boy!


Charlie Murphy: “Wrong…wrong!”

It reminds of those fatass ginos in thier hatch civics. They never need to buy after market springs, but they go through thier shocks like thier swine burgers.

wow those dampers must be at full compression, he might want to increase the spring rate to keep it from bottoming out and gettin all bouncy.

he look slike hes wearing a garbage bag with a yellow stripe hehe

LOL. custom what!
I couldn’t ride my bike near that guy, I’d start laughing at 220km/h and kill myself

Oh man lol :lol: If that guy ever fell off he would keep rolling for a few more kilometers lol :lol:

lol…thats jokes

THe leathers cost more then the bike!

first off mr skinny props for that sikkk avatar

that fatass is probly thinkin “traffic…shit how long till my next meal?”
leathers looks like one of those blowup sumo costumes, must have killed a moose

What you people fail to realize is, he is already ahead of the bike rider on
his left. Clearly making him, all 350lb worth, the winner.

mr.skinny your avatar is way more interesting than the pic you posted. Who is that? I want her.