Ridin' Dirty? Ridin' Pants-Down

Minding my business coming home from work…on that short grey area that isn’t really 65S anymore but isn’t yet 279N either. Speed bike dude flies past me- that’s cool, have fun.

He then slows down about 100 yards in front of me and looks back at me 3 or 4 times. My car’s white so I’m thinking he thought he was a cop or somethin. Nope. I guess he was gay and wanted to impress me- he did a big wheelie, then stood up on the seat of the bike (holding the handle bars with the front wheel still up in the air).

Problem: The big ass raver-esque pants he was wearing seemed to catch a gust of wind as they ballooned out and nearly pulled him from the bike, before getting wrapped around his knees. I really thought he was in for it; the bike zig zagged real bad but he somehow kept it on the road. After regaining some semblance of composure he stood up again, pulled his pants back up and proceeded to take off down the road.


That’s a death stretch with the bridge gaps and the sneaky bend. one hell of a bumpy ride goin 40 and that bend is a doozy :rofl:


So…it wasn’t anyone on here? LOL

Did Eurodad get a streetbike? :kekegay: