risk + simcity with a pinch of civilization for good measure

can you set it up to start a new research after one ends? I wont be logged on when this one is over.

Good point. I’ll cue them all up.

yeah, it automatically keeps researching AFAIK.

Click on Research, it will tell you everything you learned

I think actually building structures is the only thing you have to order every time you want something

im going to attack a town with 3 people

OK, I had to run out but I’m back. My pillaging didn’t go very well. I sent one soldier and he didn’t make it back alive.


WOO party time

i hate this building one thing at a time deal…

YEa its kind of slow… now i need some fucking crystal WTF!!

do you have marble? sell me some lol

edit: need crystal too :frowning:

Can we only buy goods from other islands, aka you guys, if we have a port? I assume yes.

I foresee tomorrow being very unproductive at work.

I need more wood.

“haha fag”


Ok, seriously though. Need more wood.

I’m pretty sure that you can trade with anyone, but have a feeling that your ports have to be upgraded enough and/or enough research has to be done which is a royal PITA

:lol: I hear ya

I’d the game moves soo slow… its nice to check on every hour

yeah, that makes it a great @ work game.

I feel bad for the asshole that attacks one of us :smiley:

too bad we’re not all on the same island :frowning: that would be nice

can someone point out how to get a building que going?

I need someone on a crystal island… I’m on a marble island… we could get a good trade route going … Just wishful thinking

Seems to be quite a few of us on marble

yeah, I know.

I might start a second account for that reason alone

doesn’t look like anyone here is on a crystal island

Treads4Heads, you can’t que buildings… have to build them one at a time