risk + simcity with a pinch of civilization for good measure


not a fast paced game by any means, but it’s damn addicting (or it at least wastes time :D).

we should get a NYSpeed alliance going

playing on the Lambda server fyi

Rules and FAQ about the game

Tips, advice and strategy


List of players

Dr.Stevil = 04gtoftw
Server = Lambda
Mineral = Glass/Crystal
Island = Lealuos (65:79)
Town = mynutstink

Num482 = Tartarus
Server = Lambda
Mineral = Marble
Island = Kelauos (64:66)
Town = Abyss

Treads4heads = Treads4heads
Server = Lambda
Mineral = Marble
Island = Kelauos (64:66)

Skurge = Skurge
Server = Lambda
Mineral = Sulfur
Island = Tesoos (65:67)
Town = skurgeland

brendansi = brendansi
Server = Lambda
Mineral = Wine/Grapes
Island = Breiyuos (56:70)
Town = Leetoria

Carbonfiberhooded = Carbon
Server = Lambda
Mineral = Marble
Island = Ceryos (61:71)
Town = Ghetto

Server = Lambda
Mineral = Marble
Island = Banootia (62:70)
Town = SUPER

Sureshot! = Semtex
Server = Lambda
Mineral = Wine/Grapes
Island: Lauroos (35:38)
Town: Whores_Here

justa4door = justa4door
Server = Lambda
Mineral = marble
Island: Worauos (32:52)
Town: Jusat4door

Tevenor = Tevenor
Server = Lambda
Mineral = Wine/Grapes
Island = Kelatia (60:48)
Town = Minas Tirith

Quadturbo = Turd Ferguson
Server = Lambda
Mineral = Glass/Crystal
Island = Arditia (31:47)
Town = Turdtopia

Ryanmcell = Ryanmcell
Server = Lambda
Mineral = Sulfur
Island = Chriaciios (56:66)
Town = Sparta

Adictd2b00st = Adictd2b00st
Server = Lambda
Mineral = Sulfur
Island = Waraous(48:76)
Town = Boostland

Xrunner = Koop526
Server = Lambda
Mineral = Sulfur
Island = Rothoitias (36:38)
Town = Koop526

Bucker = Bucker
Server = Lambda
Mineral = Glass/Crystal
Island = Tijios (48:78)
Town = Buck’s House

PsngrSeatsR4Boys = PsngrSeats
Server = Lambda
Mineral = Sulfur
Island = Decaos (66:34)
Town = OhHayyy

Cleanbaldy = Cleanbaldy
Server = Lambda
Mineral = Glass/Crystal
Island = Alditia (74:40)
Town = Clean Baldy

2nd colony
Island = Bribeos (75:41)
Town = Clean Shaven

somedude = somedude
Server = Lambda
Mineral = Wine/Grapes
Island = Maendaos (26:64)
Town = somedude

FuzzyFish = -FuzzyFish-
Server = Lambda
Mineral = Marble
Island = Lubios (61:78)
Town = Fishopolis

Garick = Garick
Server = Lambda
Mineral = Glass/Crystal
Island = Noibios (38:56)
Town = Chilly beach

Tpgsr = Tpgsr
Server = Lambda
Mineral = Sulfur
Island = Havios (40:64)
Town = Wanker

Deliverator = Deliverator
Server = Lambda
Mineral = Wine/Grapes
Island = Issieos (30:71)
Town = Snow Crash

AndyB = AndyB
Server = Lambda
Mineral = Sulfur
Island = Noupeios (37:44)
Town = Baller Town

OfficerK = aOK
Server = Lambda
Mineral = Sulfur
Island = Raenios (46:76)
Town = Speedo

one or you want your info added, shoot me a PM

Speaking of simcity, anyone feel like doing a simcity classic live challenge?

how? through ea.com?

I was never able to get it working here :frowning:

im down for anytype of alliance. can we dominate other countries? or ppl?

signed up

yeah, you can attack and take over other peoples land afaik.

some douche attacked me yesterday and killed a soldier (and stole one whole gold coin)

are you guys on the lambda server? What island are you on? There are 4 open plots on land on my island right now for settlements

I’m on Reerios and own the village of Frunkus

edit: player name is “drstevil”

signing up

i’m in there, lost as hell

on the lambda one or whatever

pick a settlement and build there. Go to the help on the top of the screen and it will tell you what to do to get started.

it’s a little tricky at first, but you’ll catch on. Just start building and make sure you gather wood from the island map (click on the logs and set how many troops you want to designate to retrieve wood) so you can continue building stuff

ok, i guess ill just start with a barracks?

and how to we make friends? no one attack AWESOME TOWN

what island are you guys on? I’ll send you a message

edit: and what is your user name/town name?

edit2: I’ll update the first post with everyones names/islands/town

skurgeland FTW, its like disneyland…but not

lol :burnin:


lambda server
Island: Kelauos
Town: Abyss
Player: Tartarus

what island are you on? (click on the island icon and it’ll show you your island and it’s name on the top left of the window)

num your on my island, we must take it over!

edit- Kelauos island

World > Tesoos[65:67]

that the island name?
