Hobowars crew: Starting a new gang

Yo, I have a ton of kids interested on another forum, so I figure I will spread the word over here. I let a few of you know already, and the rest are welcome to join. However, we need to work up a lot of money to buy a gang since you can no longer simply make one, and there’s only 100 of them in the gang.

If you don’t play and want to start, sign up here: http://www.hobowars.com/433909/

Here’s the list of people interested and their donations. if you want on the list, post up. I will be keeping track of donations, and those who donate more will be taken care of better for the first 2 weeks of the gang to re-pay. Bear with us, we will not be able to make a sick gang overnight, but if we all chip in we should be able to make this fun and competitive with others.



Send money to Hobo ID: 433909
Send points to Hobo ID: 433260

To keep things from being confusing, please keep donations at a minimum of 1000 dollars. Thanks. Also, this does not include mine, and Snails donations to save confusion. Don’t worry - we have quite the donations coming ourselves :stuck_out_tongue:

4th edit: What you should do after you get past the initial first part of the game - ATTENTION NEWBIES:

  1. Train stats to 5-5-5-10, 10 being Intelligence
  2. Fight your way to level 25. At level 15, get yourself a racing cart at Suicide Hill and play.
  3. At level 25, train at the university til you hit 1000 INT. Then pick a stat and train it til 300.
  4. Fight, level, train, etc. Donate money to the gang, and own kids.

Also, here’s a jewel for you guys. Check the University cheater:


Have fun, donate money to the gang, and post if you have any questions :slight_smile:

Okay I signed up, but I don’t know what to do next. I’m reading the helps etc, but I’m not sure. Anyways hit me up on AIM for a little info sharing… vietnow2k4.


i guess ill give it a try too

I’ll have to stay with our current gang. They’ve been good to me and I have a lot of $$$$ invested.

Is this the ghetto version of Dungeons and Dragons?

I’m not on aim now, but check out


I really like the current gang :confused:

i hear that and i respect that. i feel the same way.

i started this game with the intentions of starting a gang eventually


u want pts too?

i think im off to a good start but i dont understand what tokens and points are for

why isn’t my name on that list?

just straight cash.

added you afx, sorry I wanted confirmations in here and such. :slight_smile:

Send any points to me, I will sell them and then donate the cash to anyone that wanted to send points.

my hobo id is 433524

going rate on the point market is like ~35K

make sure if you sell them (this is for the newer players) that you sell them in the super global hyper mart, not just exchange them through the game.

afxtc, just gave u 36 pts

im gonna exchange cans tmw…im like 5 pts away from next plateu

word, seems like we are off to a good start.

collectively, snails and I should be able to drop 5 mil or so when it comes to gametime. right now we’re buying and selling points…buying them in bulk low and selling them higher.


i wanna join but its gonna be a little while before i get a ton of cash