This is what i have been doing when i run out of things to do on the internet.
Hawt, and signed up might give me something to do at work. Asides from runescape. I even successfully beat a few hobos up:D
Moved to OT
this things addicting, it was boring until I donated now I’m fuckin people up lol.
I have nothing to do till 5:30 so this works, then its frisbee golf time!!!
that means someone killed me
and may I add
I just kick all your asses.
LOL, i named my hobo in a prediction of the future
Hobo Information:
Name: John Hennessey (433694)
Gang: None
Gender: Male
Level: 1
Exp: 0/56
Life: 20/20
Dollars: $10
Cans: 0
Food: 0/10
- You hit John Hennessey taking 74 life (0 life)
You beat John Hennessey unconscious and find $5 on them, before you leave you tie them to the nearby tree naked and take photos. You gained 10 experience, 50 Respect.
simultaneously, 30 people get their vipers back
I have a feeling all my money is gonna be gone after this one
Married to: Minglor (oh baby he wants it)
I don’t want that shit.
Battle with fat nigga (433528):
- You punch fat nigga in the groin taking 42 life (0 life)
You beat fat nigga unconscious and find $36 on them, before you leave you tie them to the nearby tree naked and take photos. You gained 16 experience, -52 Respect.
fuck that yo… i’m the NYSPEED killa…
yea… gang would be nice