my kouki

I lol’d hard at this one…

So true you wouldnt believe…so much flaming you’d think someone would have an extinguisher…(bad joke? oh well)

All-in-all, you live and your learn. diffrent people will have different experiences and opinions of companies. It’s up to you as an individual to either listen or learn yourself.

From what I see, B2bskyline is just expressing his opinion as well as his experience…free country…freedom of speech. But as with everything there comes a point (breaking point if you will)… and we all take the risk of being flamed/owned/argued at (note this thread as an example) multi and lewtz vs b2bskyline.

I visit SON because I don’t see action like this in other car club forums. Which should tell all of you members something. I don’t know if “Irony” would be the right word, but seeing as how this is a car community/club, it sort of defeats its own purpose if all you see are different arguements over little things like this all day. A club is meant to connect with people and communicate mechanical information and other stuff, not create/connect beef and fight over who knows what overr what…its gay man… any more and you might as well measure penis sizes or who has more dick hairs while you’re at it.

With things like this all over the place, this forum becomes more of an entertainment ground rather than a good learning environment for an enthusiast, and newcomers as well.

I’ve got nothing against anyone or anything on this forum, but man…for something like this, you guys really need grow some balls and just ACT MATURE…let it go…

(funny thing, is I have a feeling in a few minutes im going to have a rebuttal against this somewhat long post, and normally in any other forum I wouldn’t look back on this thread to see if a flamer decides to leave his mark on my post. but for this forum, and this one only, I may just do that…only to see (entartainment) and not reply…)

Have fun and happy holidays!