midnight challenge

sticky this one for the new gaming session it starts in 30 minutes

Yeah buddy, So will TwoForty be allowed special permission to post in this thread :smiley:

who’s starting the crews?

whoever does let me know everyone knows eurodad, craig and I own that game so make sure we get a crew together

you can be leader. you play more than everybody.

Actually crews don;t change from the last setting so we are still all on the same crew…

13 more minutes

not this session finals will own me

stick this

spoolin91 put me on the good crew

I can’t log in yet.

x2 :eek3:

Can now :smiley:

log this

i didnt do too shabby, i think i actually ended up just ahead of eurodad, i kept switching cars at the end too

that game is too confusing for my Mullet toting domestic self

crew’s from the last game stay established i thought… i started BurghRacing last game when 240 kicked me off coz he thought i wasn’t playing anymore and it’s still under my name

old news already. :wink:

how do u change your plate from MIDNITE.??..i hate that

its under your profile setup