midnight challenge

So what are some of the better cars as far as available parts and potential?

well they updated a lot this time…the hondas have turbo ECU’s pistons, cams etc now

Everytime I log in I find all my models are gone and I’ve lost a bunch of races… are ppl supposed to be able to race you if you’re not online?

yes you can do it too but it uses 15 credits instead of 5

well that really blows… cos now I have 3 ppl stealing all my models and I can’t do shit about it

make that 4. hehehe

5 now… thanks for mentioning it! :rofl:

pittspeeders own again!

except for Ryan1225… :embarassd


someone get me in a group nuggas

I am finally gettin somewhere…10’s here I come

Anyone a member or pay to get credits?

can’t put you on if you don’t play. invite sent but you don’t play

work dayly from 530 am - about 3 and get home at 4 i play at like 4 so thats when im on… can someone steal like 5000 cash if i have it and not spent? better off buying a car with it/

don’t bother tring to steal stuff use calenders and make some money

i am im just worried about someone trying to steal my stuff

well before you get offline use all but one dollar to buy calenders doubtful anyone will steal your car this early in the game


I never even see any of the PlTTSPEED crew playing anymore. :kekegay: