someone showed me this game and i thought it was pretty interesting.
im TwoForty on there and im gonna start a crew named pittspeed so if you want to play just tell me your username and ill invite you to the crew.
make sure to read the FAQ because theres alot of things you need to know.
i know most of you guys are going to be too cool for it but its pretty entertaining when you dont have anything to do :):)
add me
my name is whitey on there
how the hell do you buy a car
go to the dealership…
and i tried to rob your house and failed… i saw you had more cash than me, and i need $200 more to buy a Cobra… lol
I signed up for this thing at 1:00 and we’re going on 3:00 and I don’t have my password. Anyone else have/having this problem?
I tried the same to you,
but I have enough for a cobra, but it says the car is unavailable :mad:
do you have $2500 bank roll, or $2500 net worth?
both of mine are $2,000… how the hell do you buy a car?
i got 2500 bank and 5000 net worth, how the hell do you buy a car
I got 4k net worth how do I buy anything
net worth doesn’t buy anything, afaik… you need bank roll.
i went cruising and then went to work and made a whopping $90
I have 2600 bank roll - which is 100 more than a cobra and a 4400 net worth.
I still can’t buy a fuckin car
I pm’d 240 on the site asking to join PITTSPEED, but i haven’t heard anything