road trip?

Meena ( sxytime ) is graduating basic training @ fort jackson sc the 4 and 5th of aug … I’m heading down the 3rd staying a night in charlottle then driving from there to ft jackson sc… seeing if anyone wanted to join … split the gas and hotel … staying at my moms new house in charlotte then hotel in sc … and come home late the 5th

That’s a SHITLOAD of driving for 3 days. :rofl

I was just down visiting my uncle in Charlotte a couple weeks ago. Whereabouts is her new house?

Right near concord mills mall and lowes motor speedway… normally takes me about 10.5 hrs to get there… prolly gonna be leaving the 2nd after I get off duty

Ah, ok, right by 29 then.

My uncle’s place is right by pine island country club, literally 2 minutes from 485.

Dude, MAD PROPZ for not saying ‘the 485’. Fucking trend out west is to say ‘the 101’, ‘the 10’, fucking stupid