Rock Band

i like the rock band guitars better then the GT3 ones

rock band fucking rules, i sang and played guitar on the fall out boy song and got above a 90% ON BOTH I FUCKING RULEEEEEEEEEEEE

and newman a friend of mine has a rock band party nearly every sat txt me if you want to stop by

oh and the rock band giutar blowwwwssssssss. i hate it.


lol I played this the other night when i was sippin that '81 jack :wink:

I fucking ruled singing.

Rock band is $170… without tax… i personally like GH3 more… and the RB guitar blows. compared to the GH3 one. game is overall fun, but easier than GH3… unlike in gh3 as you play the harder difficulties, theres more notes and the speed is increased… in RB theres more notes, and the speed is the same.

I’m addicted to rock band guitar career big time… I enjoy it way more than GH3.

Hooray for me being a huge nerd and tracking my scores on the rockband section of scorehero:

haha :slight_smile:

[edit] By the way, i opened the rock band guitar (for 360), played one song, and put it in my closet and havn’t touched it since. The wireless les paul from guitar hero 3 is my lover. It’s such a good guitar IMO.

played for 4 hours today. i love it.



i just finished a 4 hour session myself with my brother and my dad. i was supposed to go out partying with a few buddies tonight and i got some bonding time in. haha my dads actually in a band, so it was kind of cool to play with him.

just bought it! I love it too! my roommate and I can’t put it down

is anyone having a issue with the guitar…when you strum the bar the whole guitar stops working … i found info that its a issue but has anyone else had this happen??

Not here.

In for this game being ridiculous fun. I’ve had it for a few months now and all my buddies bought the damn thing after a few whiskey induced jam sessions :tspry:

when ive played, some of the keys are out of sync.

i wanna play this!

That’s a common issue… either you can search the web and fix it yourself, or try this out… You can get a free replacement.

My drum kit was messing up (if I drummed really fast, like a string of red notes, it would miss hit and not hit every note) so I did the warranty thing. They sent me a new kit, I sent mine back. All better :slight_smile:

Some TVs are out of sync, like my LCD… There’s a way to calibrate it under options.

Wondering if the GH3 guitar will work on the ps2 version of rock band? Ive read reveiws that say yes an some that say no. Anyone have that version>

yea got the new stuff in the mail …all better now .

yes it will…we tried to use the gh2 guitar yesterday and the ps2 didnt have enough ports…

ps… im the best singer ever… i love this shit

bump for rock band 2, who bought it? are there significant chances? how many more songs, would recommend buying it or waiting to get it used?

sucks for anybody that bought the first rock band for xbox…because now if you buy the 2nd one, you can just get the disc from the first rock band and upload all the songs on your xbox…essentially defeating the purpose of having the first one altogether.

i might pick this up…but i’m way more excited for the new guitar hero, way better of a game, way better songs, and i just find the format easier to play than that of rock band with the weird square notes…it’s a lot easier to tell the difference between hammer-ons and regular notes on GH than RB.

i heard world tour also has drums that include cymbols? i agree with the whole thing being a scam, but if you think about it, all these games are like that. they could just put them all on live and let us pay for the ones we want.

thats why i was seeing what the changes were in the new compared to the old one. its probably the same setup, just new songs. fucking scammerz!