ROFLwagens BBQ 2010. Albany N.Y. 9/19/2010

third house past his street on the right tan house sits in the back of the property. has a stone wall in front of the house. kiddie corner from the house stable thing he OWNs the house.

OOOooooh okayy well ill shoot him another text around 1-2ish and see if he wants to swing over for a bit…im sure it wont take long to toss together once we find the damn starter wires ughh haha

i’m bringing the 240…i’ll park it in the other lot.

I’ll be there! Always a good time!

I’ll be there in the Corolla.

hopefully my car is done by then…so to you people that are going that i dont know, make sure you hunt me down in my rabbit and introduce yourselves

Rock on.

be there in my mashed up mkIV, … for the food of course =)

Attending for sure

maybe we should make up a vehicle attendance list on one of the forums? (so we can put cars to usernames? for easy spotting?)

I was thinking about doing a “What car are you bringing to the BBQ?” thread a little closer to the BBQ.

Good thinking

Agreed, since I know no one…besides yo delprad that is attending lolol

maybe a “pic of you and your car” thread so people can put usernames to cars and put cars to faces lol

Get it going mannn

derrick sign up over on rofl to “Meet” some people man we are all good peeps.


bbq is always a good time. should be there with the gti and my pup as usual.

Posted up on there, good site…already got my calendar set for the date. Looking forward to meeting fellow members, like I said on the other forum.

will not be attending…delprado likes touching my butt and it creeps me out…