Roid rages, fucked Vipers, and blow outs.

2 hours til my NO, rawr.

krammersuxxx ftl

SuperPump 25000000000000000000000

^Blue Raspberry Ice ftw!

Kramer is such a pussy bitch like op




Op cant drive a zr1 to save his life. Howard cause suck both my nuts since he only has one

this is y i love u in a totally non homo sexual way :thumbup

OP: Last Activity: Today 07:41 AM

Rise and shine… lets log n shift to see all the haters and make me feel better about myself.

What no reply to all your newly aquired haters? Maybe want to grow a pair of man balls and explain your self about the viper?

Id like to think Im not the only person here that would never fuck with
someone’s property/car over something that happens socially/whatever

if my girl cheats on me with another dude, i would go over there, rip her and him out of the house, proceed to fish hook the shit out of both of them, and finish them both off with a testicular/cunt claw!!!

HOLLLDDD UP. why do you feel the need to bring me up in everything!? omg and first of all i dont ask pete for rides EVER we live 2 minutes away and we hang out. im starting to question why you bring me up in EVERYYYYYYY thread. and second of all its scary how you know so much about my life:wtf

I am sure Tmoney playa wasnt in a long term relationship with the chick anyways, so when she left/cheated on him, “Fuckin Skanks, Fucking Skanks”, why didnt he just grab another Hienken and hook up with Snookie? Wouldnt it be alot easier than sneaking over to the car and raping the shit out of it?

Not to mention, I HEARD, the chick didnt even cheat on him, but once the shit hit the fan and the car got jacked up, she ditched him and hooked up the the friend anyways! ROFL.

But again, this is all hear-say until OP steps up and clears himself.

shut up

STFU. Are you on roids? Did you beat up a viper? Do you have a blow out? If not please allow this bashing get back on topic and take your kiddy relationship shit somewhere else.

bye :hug


then i dont need to be brought up in this thread dumbassssss

Name calling never got any one any where

oh sorry. i dont know how to politely call somebody a dumb fuck